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When you enter the UGUARD NETWORK website, you do not need to provide any personal information. However, when you need to fill in the form below, we need to ask you to provide personal information and respect the confidentiality of your personal information. In addition, the ""UGUARD NETWORK Newsletter"" will record the number of user clicks and the number of openings of UGUARD NETWORK related websites, but these data will be provided for website traffic analysis and online behavior investigation to improve the service quality of the UGUARD NETWORK website.

personal information:
Subscribe to the newsletter: your email.
Contact sales: your name, contact address, phone number, email.
To join a partner: your name, email.
For technical support: your phone number, email.

Purpose & Change Information:
We will use the above personal data for the purposes specified by you and share information with UGUARD NETWORK's business partners. If you tell us that you do not want us to contact you further, we will respect your wishes; if you wish to cancel the e-newsletter To subscribe, please click ""Cancel"" on the subscription page; if you want to modify, edit, and delete your personal information, you can contact us at